A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser and will be transmitted back to the website that set it when your browser makes another request for something from that website. Some other technologies also store data on your device for transmission back to the originating website, or act to identify your device in future requests (for example, Local Storage and web beacons). These are not actually cookies, but our policy and the statements here apply to all such technologies.
This site uses cookies to improve your experience in a number of ways, and to enable us to see how well the site is serving the needs of the people that use it.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires website owners to have a legal basis for setting any cookies that contain “personal” data – “personal” being broadly defined to include anything that could identify an individual. It does not therefore cover all cookies, and there are several legal bases for their use when they are covered, but at the British Academy we seek to give you as much choice and control as possible over the cookies used on our site. To this end we seek your explicit consent for much of the functionality that would set cookies, which we seek through our cookie consent tool. This tool groups the cookies according to their purpose, using the categories that follow.
These we regard as essential for the proper functioning of the website (and for nothing else), and we do not provide a means to turn them off. You can use browser controls to do this but may experience problems with the site as a result.
These cookies let us monitor how many people come to the site and how they reached it, and then learn which pages they visit and how they interact with them. The cookies do not contain any sensitive information, only alphanumeric identifiers. Whilst identifiers are regarded as personal, the data are aggregated so we cannot see who has visited or what they have done.
Analytics are turned off by default when you visit the British Academy site, but can be turned on with our cookie control tool. They are first party cookies (that is, tied to the Languages Portal domain), which means that when you turn them off we can delete them from your browser. If you disable these cookies we cannot know that you have visited the site or improve how well it works for you. The following tables shows the analytics cookies that may be set during your visit.